The Dhaka Times
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Replacement of the cow's heart valve in the human body!

The Dhaka Times Desk Science is moving forward. Thanks to science, great progress is being made in medicine. This time, the news of the replacement of the cow's heart valve in the human body!

human body to replace cow's heart

Science is moving forward. Thanks to science, great progress is being made in medicine. This time, the news of the replacement of the cow's heart valve in the human body! And an 81-year-old woman got a new life from this cow's heart valve.

NDTV reported that the authorities of Chennai's Fronshier Life Line Hospital had surgically transplanted the cow's bulb into the old woman's heart on Sunday.

Doctor of that hospital. KM Cherian told the media that this procedure is an alternative to open heart surgery for those who are at high risk of surgery due to narrowing of the aorta.

The doctors also said that the heart valve of the old lady had been replaced once 11 years ago. But at the beginning of the year, he had heart problems again. Again he was having trouble breathing. For that reason, he went to different hospitals of the country but did not get any positive response from the doctors.

Last April, he was admitted to Chennai's Fronshier Life Line Hospital. There, doctors checked that the valve that had been replaced earlier in his aorta was narrowed. Doctors said that open heart surgery is usually done for such problems and the old valve is removed and replaced with a new one. But due to the older age of the patient, doctors opt for 'invasive' procedures. Doctors then use a bio-artificial valve made from cow heart tissue.

This means - instead of replacing the old valve with a new one, a new valve is placed inside the old one. A delegation of four doctors performed the surgery for about three hours. After the surgery, the patient's condition is normal and he has been sent to the general ward, the doctors said.

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