The Dhaka Times
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Subarna Mustafa is going to produce a commercial film

The Dhaka Times Desk Subarna Mustafa is going to produce a commercial film. He expressed this attitude while talking to reporters recently.

Subarna Mustafa & commercial movie

Renowned actress Subarna Mustafa revealed her attitude to journalists about making commercial movies. Talking about her future plans, the popular actress said, 'I want to make commercial films. Because one of my favorite media is cinema. I have worked as an actress through this medium. Now I have planned to make a commercial movie. This movie will not depend on some Cineplex. Not even for televsion. For the cinema-loving audience, those who go to the theaters to watch the movie, will make it only for them.'

Subarna Mustafa & commercial movie-2

Subarna Mustafa also said about the movie Banijyi, 'The film will have beautiful stories, songs, fights, comedy, even romance, drama. In short, I want to make the movie with everything that is in a commercial film. The first act of cinema is entertainment, the second act is entertainment and the third act is also entertainment. I will make films to entertain the audience.'

Subarna Mustafa also said, 'I don't have that much money to make a film. But I will start the work once I get a good producer. I don't know when I can. But I will make a commercial film.

It is to be noted that Subarna Mustafa told about the plan to make a movie in a direct interview given as an invited guest on a special program of Radio Bhoomi called 'Grameenphone Subarna Saade'.

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