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Felani's father appealed to the Supreme Court of India

The Dhaka Times Desk Felani's father, who was shot dead by the Indian border guards, has appealed to the Supreme Court of India. The appeal has been filed seeking reconsideration of the acquittal of BSF member Amiya Ghosh.


Felani's father, who was shot dead by the Indian border guards, has appealed to the Supreme Court of India. The appeal has been filed seeking reconsideration of the acquittal of BSF member Amiya Ghosh. Felani's father Nurul Islam and an organization called Suraksha Manch, an Indian human rights organization, filed this appeal in the Supreme Court of India on Friday.

In the latest verdict on July 2, the BSF's own court acquitted Amiya Ghosh in a judgment held late into the night by a 5-member judicial panel headed by officer CP Trivedi at Sonari Camp, headquarters of BSF's 181 battalion in Cooch Behar, India. Felani's father Nurul Islam rejected this verdict. Then a human rights organization of the country decided to challenge this verdict in the Indian court. First, the court issued a ruling in this regard.

It is to be noted that on January 7, 2011, Bangladeshi girl Felani was brutally killed by BSF member Amiya Ghosh while crossing the barbed wire fence at Anantpur border in Phulbari. As Felani's body was hung with barbed wire for almost 6 hours, international human rights organizations raised a storm of criticism. International pressure eventually led to a lawsuit.

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