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DNA will be used to store digital information!

The Dhaka Times Desk Science is moving forward. Scientists have given such news. They say, DNA will be used to store digital information!

DNA & digital information

Science is moving forward. Scientists have given such news. They say, DNA will be used to store digital information! Useful knowledge stored in DNA can be stored for thousands of years - just like scientists. Such information has been given in a news of the Daily Telegraph.

Researchers are investigating the possibility of storing information in deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. Recently, researchers in the United States conducted an experiment by downloading information stored in DNA for a long time. They found that the next goal is to find a way to extract information from DNA strands floating on a drop of liquid.

"Just as computers have a binary language, DNA has a discrete language," said research leader Robert Grass. The language of DNA is quite different from binary language. Computer hard drives mainly use ones and zeros as a code to represent data. However, the DNA code is based on 4 chemical nucleotide sequences. Nucleotides are biological molecules that act as monomers and subunits of DNA and RNA. Nucleotides carry energy packets into the cell in the form of nucleoside triphosphates (ATP, GTP, CTP and UTP) that play a key role in metabolism.

And so the researchers claimed, this DNA can store a lot of information in a small scale. Its biggest advantage is durability.

Researcher Grass said that, in theory, it is possible to store more than 300,000 terabytes of information in less than an ounce of DNA. Again, the researchers have expressed great optimism about the fact that DNA can be tested even today to extract information from thousands of years old.

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