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NASA has released a rare photo!

The Dhaka Times Desk NASA has now released a rare image. In this picture, a red light (red sprite) is seen along with the lightning scene. Such a thing has not been seen before.

NASA now has a rare picture

NASA has now released a rare image. In this picture, a red light (red sprite) is seen along with the lightning scene. So that scientists called as red sprite. Such a thing has not been seen before.

A red light (red sprite) is visible in the cloud lightning image released by NASA. which has never been seen before. This image was taken last week from NASA's International Space Station. This red light is visible for a very short time. Its time was between 3 and 10 milliseconds. That's why it was difficult to take the picture.

Scientists say about this light, it is one of the best pictures taken from Earth. Take a close look at the picture.
NASA now has a rare picture-2


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