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NASA has discovered a new world

This Earth-like planet is in the 'habitable zone'

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to NASA's research. They are presenting various important scientific information to the world through various researches. Which is motivating the science lovers even more. NASA has discovered a new world.

নতুন পৃথিবীর সন্ধান পেয়েছে নাসা 1

NASA has discovered another planet similar to Earth. NASA's 'Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite' or TES has caught a planet that looks like Earth. This twin planet of the earth is named 'T and I satash d'.

About the discovery of this new Earth-like planet, Paul Hertz, director of NASA's Astrophysics Division, said that this Earth-like planet is in the 'habitable zone'. It revolves around a star just like our Sun. After Tess, this Earth-like planet was also detected by the Spitzer Space Telescope.

NASA also said that the newly discovered planet may even be larger than Earth. It is also said to be habitable by NASA. The reason is the presence of water on the planet. The location of this planet is one hundred light years away from Earth.

NASA has been searching for 'Earth-like' planets for decades. So far, more than five hundred planets, dwarf planets and satellites have been discovered with Earth-like features.

Among these planets, the planet Kepler-452b is found, which is also very similar to Earth. According to NASA scientists, there is a great possibility of having water on the surface of this planet.

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