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Learn about some of the world's exceptionally popular vehicles

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of vehicles in the world is endless. But some vehicles are worth shaking. Today's report is about a few such exceptionally popular vehicles.

exceptions Popular Vehicles

There are different types of vehicles all over the world. The transportation needs are mainly met with those vehicles. While many things have changed with the change of era, some vehicles have not changed at all. Some of these running vehicles run on petrol-diesel, and some run on man-powered power. Our today's report is about some such vehicles.


Moped is a Vietnamese light automobile or motorbike. They are particularly popular in that area. The capital city of Hanoi has a population of 6.5 million. But there are 40 lakh mopeds. Tourists also love to see the city on mopeds.

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The Sukudu is an exceptional vehicle. It has two small wheels, a handle, lots of storage space - but everything is made of wood. This remarkable vehicle is specially made in Eastern Congo. They use it. It is also popular in that region. The sukudu is a vehicle that does not need an engine, it is only pushed.

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Bamboo train

Although it is a bamboo train, its real name is Nori. It does not carry many passengers anymore. But the bamboo train is a very popular vehicle for backpack tourists. It can run at a speed of 50 km per hour. Tourists like to walk through paddy fields, past small villages. You can ride it when you go to Cambodia.

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the jeepney

Jeepneys are vehicles of the Philippines. It's not exactly a Jeep, it's a Jeep family car. This car emits smoke because the cars are very old. These jeepneys were made from jeeps left behind by US soldiers after World War II. Rangchang was also done in the Filipino style. Now, however, new models have emerged.

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knock knock

Of course, this tuk tuk is not only in Thailand, but in many countries around the world. A favorite with tourists, Kenona tuk tuks are much cheaper than taxis. Another name of tuk tuk is auto rickshaw.

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It is basically a vehicle of Bangladesh. Life is unimaginable without at least Mofswale – cycle rickshaws. However, recently there has been a change in the model of these man-powered cycle rickshaws. It is fitted with a battery operated device. So that it can move with that device.

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Cargo bicycle

In Europe now, from bicycles to rickshaws, all types of vehicles run on muscle power instead of horse power. In Germany, these 'lastenrad' or cargo bicycles are used for everything from sowing the seeds to transporting young children to kindergartens.

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Nasimon Karimon

Nasimon Karimon has become a popular vehicle in the villages of Bangladesh nowadays. This three-wheeled vehicle is used for both cargo transportation and people transportation. This Nasimon Kariman is basically powered by a Salor engine.
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