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'Halal brothel' for Muslims! What is possible? [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Such a news for Mucharak. Just to know. Because there is such a news in the media. For Muslims or 'halal brothel'! What is possible?

Halal Prostitution in Indonesia

In Muslim religion, having sex with anyone other than husband and wife is forbidden. This is the provision of the Qur'an. But how is the 'halal brothel' possible? We come across such a news in the media. We are really surprised by this. And so today's report to clarify the matter. At least not for the yummy news, that's for sure.

According to published news, brothels have been opened in Indonesia for Muslim clients within the limits of religious discipline. This brothel is claimed by the owner as a 'halal brothel'!

Halal Prostitution in Indonesia-2

According to the news, this bar named 'Hot Crescent' has been launched recently in the red light area of the country. Bar owner Jonathan Swick consulted 3 modern Muslim imams (called religious leaders) to find a way to provide 'halal sex'.

According to their advice, the prostitutes there will not be forced to consume any drugs. They will also pray five times a day according to the rules of Islam. Clients must also engage in sexual relations with them in an Islamic manner.

How can Islam agree to sex between men and women without marriage? Jonathan, the hotel owner, consulted with the Imams and found a solution.

It is said that among the Shia community in Islam, a type of temporary marriage called 'muta biye' is practiced to encourage adult couples. In the Shia society, this type of contractual marriage is recognized and religiously legal. The practice of 'muta biye' (marriage for entertainment) is also followed in providing sex partners in hotels.

It is said that in the case of 'muta biye', the duration of the couple's life is fixed before the marriage. And so after the passage of time the marriage ends automatically. However, if you wish, you can remarry. Again the issue of payment may also occur. That is, as a husband gives to his wife as dowry.

It should be noted that the 'Halal Prostitutes' of the Hot Crescent Bar undergo a health check every two months. By doing this, customers will not be exposed to health risks due to sexual intercourse. This was the wonderful 'halal brothel' story!

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