The Dhaka Times
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900 kg weight of the huge pumpkin story!

The Dhaka Times Desk We saw a lot of pumpkins. But have we ever seen such a huge pumpkin? But today there are stories of huge pumpkins weighing 900 kg!

900 kg big pumpkin story

A lot of pumpkins are cultivated in our country. Earlier we used to see pumpkin cultivation in paddy fields or fields. But now hybrid pumpkins are cultivated in the field. But they are all hybrids but not so huge. So we may not have seen hybrid pumpkins of such huge weight before. Today there is such a weighty pumpkin talk for the readers.

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Every year, pumpkins are grown in California, like the rest of the world. And their target is to produce huge pumpkins. They are ready to produce and record these pumpkins.

The World Pumpkin Championship competition was recently held in California. Farmers participate in this competition with pumpkins produced in different areas of the United States.

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Thousands of people from different professions came to the exhibition to see different types and shapes of pumpkins. This year, a pumpkin weighing 1969 pounds i.e. about 900 kg has won the top spot in this competition. Crowd gathers to see this pumpkin of huge shape and weight, which took the top position in the competition. Everyone present is looking at this huge pumpkin! Seeing the pumpkin in front of their own eyes, many people have also thought - is it possible to have such a huge pumpkin in reality?

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