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In India, there is a law to ban Muslim polygamy!

The Dhaka Times Desk In India, there is a law to ban Muslim polygamy! The Supreme Court of that country is going to take this measure because Muslim women are always faced with intentional divorce.

Muslims prohibiting polygamy

According to GNews news, Muslim women in India face forced divorce all the time. The Supreme Court of India may ban the practice of 'talaq' to save Muslim women from this crisis. Gender discrimination can also be eliminated in this, the Supreme Court has said.

It is known that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has ordered the formation of a 'bench' for this matter. Mainly the problems of Muslim women who face gender discrimination and divorce will be discussed.

The Supreme Court gave such an order on October 16. The apex court said, 'There is no law capable of protecting Muslim women in cases of willful divorce and remarriage of men.'

A bench of the Supreme Court of India headed by Justice Anil R Dev and Justice Adarsh Kumar Goyal referred to a Public Interest Litigation on the said issue. This bench will be constituted on the directions of the Supreme Court. It will provide an opportunity to discuss these barriers to Muslim women in relation to divorce and rights protection laws. This law is expected to benefit married Muslim women a lot.

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