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In India, 95 percent of Hindus are involved in the sale of beef!

The Dhaka Times Desk In India, various incidents happen from time to time regarding the slaughtering or consumption of beef. But 95 percent of Hindus are involved in the sale of beef!

sale of beef

As reported by the Times of India, former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court Rajendra Shekhar said, 'Indian beef business is done more by Hindus than Muslims. He said that 95 percent of beef traders are Hindus.

Justice Shekhar said this at a 3-day conference on Islamic fundamentalism and global security last Friday. Apart from India, scholars and representatives of Bangladesh, Canada, Afghanistan and other countries also participated in the conference.

In that event, Bichapati Shekhar said that 'about 95 percent of the beef traders are Hindus. But a Muslim was brutally killed in Dardi for eating beef. It is the death of man and humanity. Religion has nothing to do with diet, it cannot have. Even I can eat beef.'

It should be noted that recently some MPs of India were also accused of being involved in the beef trade. Referring to this context, Rajendra Shekhar further said, 'Where the legislators are involved in the beef business, why will only one group of people be targeted by right-wingers.'

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