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Walking to earn dollars!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now walk to earn dollars! Anyone would be surprised to hear such a thing. But the story is true. The reason is an app that gives money just by walking. So you can earn as much money as you want!

Earn dollars to walk

According to news media, the innovative app The Go! is coming to the market to encourage people who do not want to walk at all

It can be seen that many of us are constantly increasing our body weight. And due to weight gain, various physical problems including diabetes can occur. But following the doctor's advice, many people are extremely reluctant to go out for a walk at seven in the morning. A new app The Go! If you download this app, you can earn Bitwalking Dollars for walking! As the movement of the body increases due to walking, the income will increase accordingly.

According to media reports, this app will use GPS and WiFi technology to record every step of the user while walking. For every 10,000 steps walked, which is roughly 8 km, you will earn one Bitwalking Dollar.

But many people may have the question of what will be the use of BitWalking Dollar? According to the app manufacturer, in exchange for this currency, you can buy products of your choice from certain online stores. The Go! The app is initially being released on a trial basis in Britain, Japan, Malawi and Kenya, the creators of the app, Nissan Bahar of Israel and Frankie Embesi, a resident of Italy, told the media. If this app really works then on the one hand money can be earned, as well as regular walking can save from various diseases including diabetes.

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