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India has stopped free Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk India has stopped free internet on Facebook. Last Monday, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India shut down 'Free Basis' internet.

India Free Facebook has stopped

Users in India could access certain websites free of cost through 'Free Basis'. Facebook's Free Basics service, which has been offered by Facebook, has been criticized by its critics as violating net neutrality instead of reaching internet services to the masses without internet connections.

Facebook officials have not yet made an official statement, the BBC reported. In this context, Vikas Pandey, Digital Producer of BBC in India, said that there has been a strong campaign in India on both the positive and negative aspects of Free Basics.

He said, those who live in the city and use the internet a lot, claimed, 'You cannot give instructions to the villagers on how to use the free internet service with conditions'.

It should be noted that since the start of the project in 2013, Facebook has remained steadfast in its position. This popular social media platform offers this service in 36 countries. Through this, at least one and a half crore internet deprived users have come under internet service.

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