The Dhaka Times
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An elephant on the rampage in the city!

The Dhaka Times Desk Elephant groups often come to the neighboring villages without getting food in the forest. But this time an elephant has run amok in the city. The forest department had to struggle to capture the elephant for 8 hours.

One elephant rampage in city

The incident happened last Wednesday from 4 am to 12 pm. The incident took place near Lagoa Eastern Bypass in Siliguri, India. The forest department of India had to struggle to capture that elephant. At this time, hundreds of curious and enthusiastic people almost chased the elephant away from all directions.

One elephant rampage in city-2

A piece of stone and brick fell on the elephant's back and the elephant entered the city's commercial area, Sevak Road. The elephant ran into a bike shed next to a cinema.

Sleepy bullets are fired again and again. It took another forty minutes to bring it to the truck. At this time, two cranes were taken and the elephant was chained, belted and taken to the truck. All in all, the forest officials sweat about this elephant.

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