The Dhaka Times
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Two young people drowned while taking a selfie

The Dhaka Times Desk As the popularity of selfies increases, so do the incidents. This time two young people drowned in the water of the dam while taking a selfie.

death of two young men

The incident took place in Ghati area of Nashik in West Bengal, India on Saturday. A college student drowned while taking a selfie. And while trying to save him, his friend died. The deceased have been identified as Saurabh Jagannath Chulbhar (18) and Ajink Vasudev Gaikwad (18).

The police there said that 10 students went for a picnic that day at a place near Baldevi Dam. At that time the whole group was enjoying. Meanwhile Sourav tries to take a selfie standing on the embankment. When he was busy taking pictures, he could not handle the hanging and fell into the water of the dam. Vasudev was very close to him. He immediately jumped into the water to save his friend. But both fell into the water. Later, local residents recovered two bodies in the evening.

Note that two months ago, a young woman and her partner died while taking selfies in the sea in Mumbai. Recently, as the selfie craze is increasing across the country, the death rate is also increasing.

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