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The story of a cat who got promoted!

The Dhaka Times Desk It's truly incredible that cats can progress just like humans. But it happened. Today we have for you the story of a cat who got promoted!

Promoted a cat story

According to media reports, a cat from Huddersfield railway station in West Yorkshire, UK has been promoted! The authorities have promoted the cat to senior pest controller for his achievements in ridding the station of all the rats!

This promoted cat is Felix. The cat first visited Huddersfield in 2011. He was only 9 weeks old then. Then this cat worked hard to rid the station of rats for about 5 years. Currently, Felix the cat has achieved stardom on the Internet. Now the world pairs his fame! The number of fans on this cat's name page on Facebook increased from 3 thousand to almost 30 thousand in the last week!

It is known that Felix the cat got new clothes with his name badge along with his new position. After that promotion at the end of last January, the number of Felix's fans on the Internet is increasing by leaps and bounds!

Felix was reportedly hired by Transpenny Express at Huddersfield station to exterminate rats. After that he gradually wins everyone's heart through his work. But one person who works with Felix says the cat doesn't deserve all the fame it gets. He is getting attention and rewards from everyone.

Local newspaper The Huddersfield Daily did a feature article on the promoted cat. The station also has a special space for Felix to move around while encircling the ticket counters, they wrote. Thus a cat really becomes the center of human attention. Thanks to social media, he is now a big star!

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