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What are Japanese schoolgirls doing for money?

The Dhaka Times Desk As the saying goes 'money is the root of all evil'. It is not completely false. Various events are constantly happening in the world for money. Now it is known that Japanese schoolgirls are in love for money!

Japanese school girls & money

According to a report published in the media, 13 percent of Japanese schoolgirls have sex in exchange for money. This surprising information was given by Maude de Boer-Buccio, Special Envoy of the United Nations Organization for the Rights of the Child.

The United Nations official urged the Japanese government to do more to stop child abuse, especially the 'exploitation' of teenage girls working in Japanese entertainment cafes.

According to a report, since 2014 in Japan, the rate of "teenage abuse" in entertainment cafes has increased, Maude de Boe said this to Al-Jazeera. Describing child prostitution and child pornography on the rise, Maud Dey said at least 13 percent of the country's schoolgirls were participating in 'enzo kosai', or sex for money.

However, Maud Dey also said that this statistic of girls participating in love in exchange for money is neither official nor a final report. He said, "The lack of official statistics in this regard shows the indifference of the Japanese authorities."

On the other hand, the Japanese government has expressed its dissatisfaction after the publication of this information by the United Nations on 'child abuse'. An official of the country's child rights cell said in a statement that the country's government has always attached great importance to protecting children's rights in Japan. He said that the allegation of 'Enzo Kosai' is not true.

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