The Dhaka Times
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Breaking News: Mir Kasem Ali's hanging upheld

The Dhaka Times Desk The Appellate Division has upheld the death sentence of Mir Qasem Ali, the third top leader of the Al Badr Army, for the murder-genocide in 1971.

Mir Qasim Ali upholds death sentence

At the same time, the Supreme Court partially rejected his appeal against the death penalty verdict of the International Criminal Tribunal. He has been given the highest sentence in the judgment of the Appellate Division as he has been proved responsible for killing 8 people directly and indirectly in Chittagong region.

Today (Tuesday) morning, the five-member appellate bench headed by Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha gave the final verdict in the summary form of the crime against humanity case of this country's top war criminal. The other judges of the bench are Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain, Justice Hasan Faiz Siddiqui, Justice Mirza Hossain Haider and Justice Mohammad Bazlur Rahman.
At the end of the 1971 liberation war, as the general secretary of Jamaat's student organization Islami Chhatra Sangh, Mir Kasem Ali, the current working council member of Jamaat, was the third top leader of the Pakistan Army's Killing Square Albadar Force. As superior responsibility (responsibility of senior leadership), the responsibility of the crimes of Albadar Bahini and Chhatra Sangh in the liberation war also falls.

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