The Dhaka Times
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The green moon will be seen in the sky tonight! What is it really?

The Dhaka Times Desk A small news has created a stir in social media including Facebook. And that is on the night of 20 April or 29 May 2016 or the green moon will be seen! What is it really?

This can be seen in night sky green moon

It is said in the news that on the night of April 20 or May 29, 2016, the inhabitants of the world will witness a rare event. An event that happened on Earth many years ago. The ancestors of mankind witnessed that strange phenomenon. As before, the moon that will rise in the night of 20th April or 29th May 2016 is decorated in green color. Yes yes! Green moon will be seen in the sky on 20th or 29th May night. It has not been possible to verify whether the incident is actually true. Whether this is indeed a rumor remains to be seen. Although much of the night of April 20 has passed. If the matter is not seen today, it may be seen on May 29. A green moon was seen once in 1847.

According to the news, according to the space scientists, 'from time to time the alignment of the orbits of the planets, including the planets, of all objects in the solar system is changed for the future. Due to this reaction, various strange behaviors can be observed in space due to the interaction between the materials of space. One such event is the color of this moon turning green.'

However, nothing is known about the truth of this matter.

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