The Dhaka Times
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If you marry this girl, you will get 1400 crore dowry!

The Dhaka Times Desk This is probably the daughter of a billionaire father! If such a father does not give crores of dowry to the son-in-law, what will happen? So say 1400 crore dowry!

1400 crore Taka dowry

really so But there is a condition for the father, the condition is to convince the girl to marry! If the girl agrees to marry, the groom will receive that 1400 crores as dowry!

The reason is that his daughter does not like any man. Jiji Chao, the daughter of Hong Kong millionaire businessman Cecil Chao who refuses to have any kind of sexual relationship with a man!

Jiji Chao himself admits that he is gay, not men, but women are his love, his heart is everything. So, if you want to get married, which woman should you choose?
The father tried a lot to change his daughter's exceptional thinking. Having no choice, the father finally organizes 'Swayambar'. In this 'Swayambar', 'Whoever can convince his daughter to marry, he will get 1400 crore rupees', 'at least 20 thousand dwarves raised their hands to the moon' in order not to miss the golden opportunity, but no one had fortune of 1400 crores written in their fortunes. . 20,000 people registered, 50,000 attempts, all failed in the end. Did not agree to seek Jiji!

In such a situation, finally father Cecil decided to accept his daughter's decision. 'I don't want to intrude into her personal life. I just want her to be happily married, her children to take my empire forward', commented her father Cecil Chow.

But the girl does not go less! The daughter also requested the father to accept her thoughts. Father Cecil did not interfere. Jiji Chao marries his favorite daughter Xin Yao. Jiji and Yava have been living a happy life for 9 years. However, her father feels that his daughter is still 'single'. His father thinks that marriage with a girl is not a marriage at all.

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