The Dhaka Times
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Ship lost in Bermuda returned after 90 years!

The Dhaka Times Desk 90 years after being lost in the Bermuda Triangle, a ship named SS Cotopaxi has returned! A sensation has been created about the issue.

ship ss cotopaxi

What happens in the Bermuda Triangle? The mystery of what will not end? Can't find any information? Who is not alive to say anything? Only one ship is returning, that too alone!

The SS Cotopaxi was lost in December 1925. The ship was thought to have been lost in the Bermuda Triangle.

Recently, the Cuban Coast Guard announced that a ship had been detected on their radar. It is gradually moving towards Cuba. At the same time, it was reported that there were no people on the ship. Name of the ship? 'SS Cotopaxi'!

The vessel first came into the attention of the Cuban Coast Guard west of Havana on May 16. Many attempts were made to establish contact with the ship. The vessel was then approached by members of the Cuban Coast Guard as it approached. They did not find any people on the ship. Not only that, he was surprised to see the name of the ship. The captain's logbook was recovered from the ship. But it did not find any information about where the ship was for the last 90 years.

On November 29, 1925, the SS Cotopaxi left Charleston, South Carolina for Havana. The ship had a crew of 32 under the command of Captain W. Day Meyer. The ship had 2 thousand 340 tons of coal. The ship disappeared two days later. Since then there has been no news of this ship. What can be found inside the ship? Or will remain a mystery?

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