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Nothing will happen in a road accident! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk When there is a road accident, bones and skin are broken and crushed. Life also begins to struggle. Now such a person has been found in a road accident, which will not happen!


The person's size is such that it really doesn't matter to them in a road accident. A huge head is placed on his shoulder. The structure of the hands and feet is also of a strange shape.

Recently, a committee on road accidents in the state of Victoria, Australia, is circulating a picture of such a strange person. This is what should be the structure of road accident tolerant people. If a person has such a structure, he will be spared from road accidents.

According to the Indian news media NDTV, a committee on road accidents in the state of Victoria has given the name 'Graham' to the man with the special structure they have shown. Due to the special body structure, 'Graham' will not suffer any damage even if it happens in a road accident.

A website from the state of Victoria ( describes the structure and anatomy of Graham's body parts and internal organs. Again, various descriptions of Graham's body structure are being given on YouTube. Graham's formation has already received a lot of response on social media and various media.

The question may arise in the mind of many people, is there really a person like Graham? Does Australia have any plans to create such people? The answer is no.

The Australian state of Victoria wants to raise awareness about road accidents by displaying Graham's structure. Through this, common people are being understood that how helpless common people are in road accidents. But no one wants to have an ugly physique like Graham's to survive an accident.

Physician Christian Canfield, road safety engineer David Logan, and painter Patricia Piccinini have participated in Graham's formation.

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