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In the face of religious objections, 'film village' is banned in Nigeria!

The Dhaka Times Desk The government has scrapped a decision to build a 'film village' in the northern Nigerian state of Kano to protest Muslim religious leaders and social media.

Nigeria rural film banned

According to the news of BBC Bengal, Nigeria's Hausa language film industry is called 'Kaniwood', much like Hollywood. The government planned to build a state-of-the-art film production center for them at a cost of more than 10 million dollars. The argument of the Nigerian government was correct that it would boost employment and cultural activities.

Muslim religious leaders said the project, if implemented, would increase 'immorality'. The government was also urged to stop this project through social media.

The argument of the local people is that it is not a necessary project, rather the government should take up the dam project in the area to improve agriculture.

After such reactions around, an adviser to the president of Nigeria said, out of respect for public opinion, they have decided to cancel the 'Kanyude project'. But Ali Nuhu, a Nigerian actor and director, said he was surprised by the government's decision.

The film industry in Nigeria has, however, been the target of criticism from the conservative Muslim community for the past 20 years. Their complaint is that because of this, young girls are encouraged to run away from home with the dream of becoming an actress.

It should be noted that films made in the Hausa language in northern Nigeria are mainly shown in Muslim-majority northern Nigeria. On the other hand, films in southern Nigeria are mostly made in the local English language. Nigerian films and its stars are particularly well known in various African countries.

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