The Dhaka Times
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Saba in an exceptional 'Prem, Atapar' drama

The Dhaka Times Desk Sohana Saba has acted in a different kind of story drama out of the common events like love, marriage, family. The name of the drama is 'Prem, Atapara'.

One exception drama and Saba

The work of this drama has been completed recently. The play is directed by Rintu Parvez with story, dialogues and screenplay by Murad Parvez.

He told the media about the play 'Prem, Atapar', we completed the shooting of the play at Mohammadpur, Beribandh and City FM stations in the capital a few days ago. Saba is the main character in the story of this play. Saba's character name is Deepa.

One exception drama and Saba-2

It can be seen in the story of the drama 'Prem, Athapar', Deepa goes to commit suicide. Suddenly a microbus comes and picks him up. Then he was brought to the hotseat of a radio station. Then when he told the reason for committing suicide, various stories came out one by one. Everyone will love the drama.

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