The Dhaka Times
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After 18 years, the meteor shower will be seen tonight!

The Dhaka Times Desk Meteor showers will be seen in the sky tonight. By doing this, a lot of flowers of light will fall. They will spread from this end of the sky to the end.


This meteor shower will be visible to the naked eye at any time from midnight on August 11 to dawn on August 12 and from midnight on August 12 to dawn on August 13. Nowhere in the world has such a good meteor shower been seen in the last seven years. 18 years ago in 1998, there was a well-known burst of light in the night sky.

According to the news, if the sky is not covered by heavy clouds or if it is in a frozen dark area, the smile of that light can be seen in the sky. This phenomenon is caused by a comet 'Swift Turtle'. A part of the comet's nucleus is ejected from the body by the Sun's pull. The comet, which orbits the Sun, briefly enters Earth's orbit every year in August.

Upon entry, the comet's nucleus is torn off by Earth's gravitational pull and is driven straight toward Earth. They rush towards the earth at a speed of about 132,000 miles per hour.

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