The Dhaka Times
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Father's advertisement for daughter-in-law!

The Dhaka Times Desk Son is over 40. But he is avoiding marriage on the pretext of busyness. So this time the father gave an advertisement in search of a daughter-in-law!


Father's age is 78 years. Before death, he wants to see the faces of his grandchildren. And so, Arthur Brooks, a resident of the state of Idaho in the United States, placed a full-page advertisement in the newspaper in search of a daughter-in-law.

Arthur's son Baron Brooks is in business in Salt Lake City. Arthur placed a full-page ad in a local newspaper for his son with his photo as a bride. As the qualification of the bride, it asked to know the age, height, as well as the political views of the bride!

Most surprisingly, if the bride has previously voted for Obama or is considering voting for Hillary in the next presidential election, she will be considered an ineligible bride. Only eligible candidates are invited for interview.

Baron Brooks is feeling embarrassed after finding out about the advertisement in the newspaper. He said, 'Father did the work without informing me. I cannot express how embarrassing this is for me.'

Brooks said, he is really angry about this action of the father. However, he does not want to hurt his father's feelings about the matter. And so he gave the opportunity to his father to interview the brides.

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