The Dhaka Times
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Primary and Ibtedayi exams are starting today

The Dhaka Times Desk Today (Sunday) is the beginning of primary and secondary education final examination. All preparations for the examination have already been completed.


This time, the total number of candidates in the primary and secondary exams is 32 lakh 30 thousand 288. Last year there were 32 lakh 54 thousand 514 candidates. Compared to last year, 24 thousand 226 candidates have decreased in both the exams.

Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman said that 29 lakh 30 thousand 573 students will participate in the primary final and 299 thousand 715 students will participate in the Ibtedai final.

It is known that this year each exam will be held from 11 am to 1.30 pm. However, there will be an additional 20 minutes for candidates with special needs. The exam will end on November 27.

A total of 6 subjects will be tested. Examination of 100 marks in each subject with a total of 600 marks will be conducted.

It has been informed that the examination will be held in 7 thousand 194 centers across the country this year. The examination will be conducted at 11 centers outside the country for the preliminary finals.

Detailed Exam Schedule:

Preliminary Conclusion:

20 November English
21 November Bengali
22 November Bangladesh and world identity
23 November Elementary Science
24 November Religion and Moral Education
Maths exam will be held on November 27.

Conclusion of Ibtedayi:

20 November English
21 November Bengali
22 November Bangladesh
World identity and science
23 November Arabic
24 November Quran and Tajweed and Aqeed and Fiqh,
The exam will be held on November 27 in Mathematics.

It should be noted that in 2009, the first preliminary finalization began. Ibtedayi closing begins a year after that. Accordingly, the preliminary final examination will be held for the eighth time and the Ibtedayi final examination for the seventh time.

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