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Paris is looking for that flute player of Hamlin!

The Dhaka Times Desk It seems impossible to find a person who does not know the story of Hamlin's fiddler. Paris is looking for that flute player of Hamlin!


Le Marais is one of the most historic and elite areas of Paris, the city of Funes. Wherever you look, you will find historical architecture and old houses.

On the day of Hemant, the rustling of leaves can be heard. In the midst of all this, they 'change the pavement in the middle of the night'. Waking up from the shadows and touching the walls of the surrounding houses, the game started. A night-long drive begins across all the garbage heaps on the road.

In fact, they are not ghosts or incorporeal. For now, millions of mice are ruling the streets of the city. The whole city is looking for the flute player of Hamlin to get rid of all these animals! Hundreds of complaints are being submitted to the administration every day - by all means, their origin should be stopped. Various programs have also been taken several times to exterminate rats. However, it did not have long-term results.

Rat sightings are nothing new in the city of Paris. But earlier they were found in thickets or dark sewers. Now that their numbers have reached the point where they are breeding, the situation has become a cause for fear. For now, wherever you can look, you can see the army of rats. From footpaths to car parking areas everywhere. It can even be seen on metro platforms. Packets of food left by commuters or food wasted by pavement dwellers, there is a feast of rodents.

George Sallins, head of an environmental organization in Paris, said several programs were already in place to kill rats. However, due to European restrictions on the use of rat poison, the authorities have faced some difficulties. Killing rats with poisonous food is strictly prohibited. For that reason, the local administration wants to kill the rats by stopping the food supply for the time being. Nine parks in Paris were closed last November due to a rat extermination project. The reason is that, according to a spokesperson of that organization, many tourists come to the Eiffel Tower area and the most famous street of the city like to feed the rats. That's why the army has increased so much!

Pierre Falguirac studied the mice here for many days. Said that rats need 3 things to reproduce. Water, food and shelter. Deficiency of any one will make them difficult to breed. However, according to him, first of all, the fear of rats should be removed from people's minds.

Parisians were reluctant to listen to researchers like Pierre. In 'Mickey Mouse', 'Tom and Jerry' or 'Ratatou', no matter how sweet and good 'people' mice are shown in these films, Parisians refuse to hear anything good about mice. In German fairy tales, the fiddler of Hamlin rids the town of rats by being lured away by the sound of the flute. That's how the residents of Le Marais are looking for a flute player. When will Hamilon's fiddler come?

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