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Pakistan has now threatened Israel with a nuclear attack!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a delicate situation going on in the world including the United Nations regarding the issue of Israel. This time, Pakistan threatened Israel with a nuclear attack.


According to media reports, Pakistan's Defense Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif reminded Israel of his country's nuclear capabilities. He made the threat in response to a 'fake news'.

Khawaja Muhammad Asif wrote in a tweet that 'Israeli Defense Minister has threatened nuclear attack on Pakistan because of its role against Daesh (IS) in Syria. Israel has forgotten that Pakistan is a nuclear-powered state.

Pakistan has always played a neutral role in the Syrian civil war. Although their position is in favor of the Assad regime. Pakistan's foreign secretary says the world's sixth-largest country is 'against foreign military intervention in Syria.'

A fake news published on the AWD News website said that Pakistan is planning to send ground troops to Syria to join the international military coalition in the fight against the Islamic State (IS).

The report, whose author is anonymous, includes a quote from former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, who resigned last May. There he said that, 'If unfortunately they reach Syria - we will destroy them with a nuclear attack.'

The report also attached false quotes from Pakistan's foreign minister. Asif originally gave this tweet in response. Israel's Ministry of Defense responded to his tweet and said the report was 'completely fictitious'.

Pakistan is one of the 9 nuclear powered countries in the world. Pakistan has around 130 warheads in its stockpile.

Israel, on the other hand, has neither confirmed nor denied having nuclear weapons. Israel is believed to have a stockpile of 80 nuclear weapons.

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