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Fever is not a disease

The Dhaka Times Desk A little fever makes us nervous. But the reality is completely different. Not a single person can be found in the world who has never had a fever. Fever is not a disease. A symptom of many diseases.


When is called a fever?

Normal body temperature is 36.6-37.2 C. up to If it is more than this (up to 1-4 C.) we do not assume that there is a fever. This fever is measured with centigrade or fahrenheit thermometer.

Type of fever

There are usually three types of fever:

# Continued (Continued): when the temperature changes by 1 centigrade or 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit in 24 hours; But the fever never returns to normal, then it is called continued fever.

# Remittent: When the fever level varies by 2 Celsius or 3 Fahrenheit in 24 hours, it is called remittent fever.

# Intermittent: When fever is present in the body for several hours daily, it is called intermittent fever.

If this intermittent fever occurs every day, it is called quotidian fever. If it occurs for one day in a row, it is called Tartian fever and if it occurs for two days in a row, it is called Quartan fever. However, due to the use of antipyretics and antibiotics and other drugs, the classification of these fevers is not always understood.

What causes fever?

# Any acute infection especially pus forming infection such as boil, carbuncle, furuncle. Bacteria associated with it are Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes.

# Any viral inflammation like common cold, cough, dengue, whooping cough.

# causes tissue destruction or tissue necrosis, such as myocardial infection, arthritis, rheumatic fever, or rheumatic fever.

# Any cell organ inflammatory disease such as meningitis, acute osteomyelitis, acute glomerulonephritis, acute hepatitis.

# autoimmune diseases such as SLE, immunological reactions.

# causes cancer of any tissue or organ.

# Chronic inflammation or chronic infection, such as tuberculosis.

# female and male genital tract inflammation. Such as urinary infection, urinary tract infection, endometritis in girls, cervicitis, oophoritis, sulfingitis, prostatitis in boys, epididymitis, orchitis.

# Parasitic diseases like Malaria, Filaria, Tryponosoma etc.

Why does fever occur?

The cause of fever is due to various infections, tissue necrosis, etc., the body releases pyrogen, a substance that causes fever. This pyrogen stimulates the production of chemical mediators called prostaglandins. In addition, bacterial products such as bacterial colipolysaccharide stimulate leukocytes to produce ILI, TNF (endogenous pyrogen). They help in the production of prostaglandins. As a result, the part of our brain called the hypothalamus or our body temperature controls the blood vessels and surrounding cells to produce more prostaglandins. This cyclic AMP causes the hypothalamus to reset body temperature above normal, causing fever.

Tests that are done to find out the cause of fever

# blood general test TC, DC ESR. These values will be higher than normal.

# acute phase protein content increases many times over normal.

# X-ray chest.

# CT Scan/MRI.

# special blood tests like Widal, Febrile antigen

# tests body fluids such as CSF and other body fluids.

# Parasites such as filaria, malaria.

# PCR, AFB, culture sensitivity for chronic diseases such as tuberculosis.

FNAC cytology, biopsy, lymphoma and leukemia panel for diagnosis of # cancer.

Ways to prevent fever

# Complete physical and mental rest

# wipe the whole body with water, bathe.

# Taking medicine to reduce fever such as paracetamol.

# Do special tests to find out the cause of fever and take medicines as per doctor's advice.

Adequate rest, plenty of drinks, fruit juice, eating normal food, bathing or washing body daily with water, taking fever reducer if needed will help.

# Professor Dr. Md. Tahminur Rahman Sajal
Vice Principal and Head of Department
Anwar Khan Modern Medical College

(Courtesy: Daily Yugantar)

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