The Dhaka Times
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Deep respect for the language martyrs of the great Ekush

The tragic event of February 21, 1952 still shakes the whole world

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is the great day. Martyrs Day and International Mother Language Day. Salam, Rafiq, Barkat, Jabbar and many other unknown persons were martyred for mother tongue on this day.

মহান একুশের ভাষা শহীদদের প্রতি গভীর শ্রদ্ধা 1

There is no other precedent in the world of sacrificing life for the mother tongue. The tragic event of February 21, 1952 still shakes the whole world.

On that day Bayannar chanted the slogan 'I want Bangla as the national language'. The streets were colored by police firing that day. Damal sons of this country sacrificed their lives for mother tongue. Their sacrifice will be remembered forever.

On this great day, we pay our respects to those who sacrificed their lives for the language. I pray for the forgiveness of their souls.

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