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Landslides and floods killed 72 in Peru

Armed forces are deployed across the country to assist the police in keeping the law and order situation under control

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 72 people have died in Peru in the space of a few days in floods and landslides caused by continuous heavy rains.

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According to the BBC, more than half of the country's area has been affected by this worst flood in the last 30 years. State of emergency has been declared in more than eight hundred cities.

The water supply system of Peru's capital Lima was closed since last Monday, it is said that efforts to restart the supply system have started. Armed forces are deployed across the country to assist the police in keeping the law and order situation under control.

Inflation rose 5 percent last week due to water and food shortages in some parts of the country, the country's government said. Even if the rains stop, the weather forecast says that weather-related instability will prevail for a few more weeks.

In recent months, Peru and countries along the Pacific Ocean have been heavily affected by El Nino. El Nino's influence has increased sea temperatures, increased evaporation rates and increased rainfall.

Note that in 1998 there were massive floods in Peru under the influence of a strong El Niño. At that time there was a lot of damage.

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