The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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Garbage in the water of Nafakhum and the initiative of three young people

How such a beautiful environment is being polluted due to people's ignorance cannot be understood unless you see it with your own eyes

The Dhaka Times Desk From the picture, it looks like they were looking for something in the water of Nafakhum and collecting it again in the bag. That's why three young people are working to remove Nafakhum's garbage.

A really surprising case. Because everyone present is shocked to see their business. Garbage is coming out of this beautiful environment. How such a beautiful environment is being polluted due to people's ignorance cannot be understood without seeing it with your own eyes. When the story of these young people came to a companion newspaper, we also felt that there was a need to shake things up a bit. Because this is also one of the reasons why we are backward as a nation. There is a great lack of awareness among us.

Who are these young people? It can be said in one word that they are truly extraordinary as people. Taufiq, Iraj of Computer Science and Engineering of BUET and Mamun of Dhaka University wearing a jacket in the middle.

The reporter is seen with the three proud youngsters Taufiq, Iraj and Mamun (in blue, black and green jackets).

Those who have compassion for the country and worry in such a state are struck with guilt. They came to visit and saw that waste is a barrier in such a beautiful environment. So he did the work of removing the waste on his own initiative. They have really introduced real citizens.

What they were looking for in the Nafakhum water and putting it in the bag. Seeing such a scene, one can have doubts in one's mind. Is there goldbar in this dry water? Or is it possible to get pearl? One can imagine that large pairs of crabs or sharp stones can be seen here. But later came to know the story of waste disposal.

They opened the chain of the bag with a disgusted face. Their bags full of discarded packets of Maggi, candies, Cadbury, Bombay chips, crispies, wafer chocolates; There are also bottles of Mum, Fresh, Speed, Tiger! All these non-perishables are picked up as best they can, only to be thrown into the dustbin. These educated youths have done the work of Tokai. They are picking up all these wastes and throwing them in the dustbin!

When asked how the idea came, Tawfiq said, brother, you were surprised to see the blue water of St. Martins, you went down to your knees in joy, but suddenly a polythene was tied to your feet, how dirty would you feel?

Very few people have the compassion, love and immense analytical power of these dreamy young people on every aspect of our porton industry. Starting from natives, snakes, crabs, creepers or a small tree, they have a lot of compassion! If you don't listen to them, you may also remain ignorant. If we create awareness among people, maybe one day we will become a civilized nation.

Many times it is seen that after smoking a cigarette, we do not put out its fire consciously, we throw the tip everywhere. We do not think about the damage to the environment or any major accidents if there are flammable materials around. Many times we throw away the water or cold drinks bottle. We often see such incidents in the capital.

If even 1 out of 100 people are aware of such service of these three youths, then we will feel proud of ourselves as a nation just as they are successful. We will encourage the next generation to do good deeds like this.

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