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iPhone is coming at a lower price

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to speculations about cheap iPhones coming all over the world. It is believed that iPhone lovers can see the new iPhone 5S in June this year. The new iPhone 5S will be available in a variety of colors.


It is believed to be similar to the Nokia Lumia 920 Apple Its iPhone 5S may have a colorful casing. Makotokara's Japanese blog Report According to reports, the Apple 5S will be available at a lower price and in more colors. Cheap iPhone colors can be navy, gold, orange, white or gray. It can also be white, pink, green, blue or yellow.

According to Makotokara's sources, 1,000 iPhones could be tested on the market this coming June. If the consumer feedback and quality tests are successful, the device may go on the market in July-September. The sets will be priced between $300 and $400. The casing of the sets will be made of polycarbonate. It is said that the production cost of the iPhone 5S has been reduced due to the fact that the casing is made of polycarbonate. Apart from this, battery capacity is being improved. At the same time, it is also known that the iPhone 5S model is being developed to reduce the price of the iPhone. In this context, Ming Chi Ku, a researcher at Apple's research institute KGI Securities, said, "The iPhone 5S model is being developed to reduce the price of the iPhone."

According to information, the iPhone 5S smartphone will have the A6X processor used in the fourth version of the iPad, near field communication (NFC) technology. This smartphone will support fourth generation network LTE (LTE). The device has an advanced camera of 13 megapixels. Besides, it will be possible to record HD quality (1080p) videos with 2 megapixels on the front camera. The device features a new camera technology with dual shot functionality. As a result, it will be possible to take pictures and record videos with two cameras at the same time. However, this technology is already used by LG Optimus G Pro and Samsung S4. The new smartphone will be made in China's Foxconn factory. Apple authorities have not released any information about the new smartphone. That is why we could not be sure about the matter.

References: The Times of India

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