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Body language: Know the correct application

This is very important in professional life

The Dhaka Times Desk Your body language has a big impact on your personality. Through body language you can easily create a positive impression of yourself in another person's mind.

Basically we express our thoughts through our mouth language, but many emotions are also expressed through our body language. If your body language is right you can achieve success in many situations. This is especially important in professional life. Let's know the correct application of body language-

Talk with eye contact

It is very important to look into the eyes of the person you are talking to. If you want to prove yourself as confident, you must comply. But don't stare into someone's eyes for too long.

Keep the neck natural

When we are nervous, our neck is usually raised and bent forward. This can create a negative impression about you in anyone's eyes. So try to keep your neck straight while talking to someone. If necessary, you can take it with a little shake on the neck.

walk slowly

A person who walks too fast naturally seems scared or anxious. So never walk fast unless absolutely necessary.

Do not stand close to anyone's body

Never stand close to someone while talking. Many people may feel uncomfortable. Many see it as rude.

Use hand signals

Practice correct hand movements while speaking. This will make your speech more interesting to the audience. However, it should be remembered that it is not right to shake hands excessively.

Do not touch your mouth while speaking

If you have the habit of putting your hands over your mouth while talking, give it up. This is a bad habit, which can cause people to doubt your sense of politeness.

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