The Dhaka Times
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A monster catfish: 125 kg which weighs!

After catching the huge Magur fish, it was tied with a bamboo rope and taken away

The Dhaka Times Desk A huge monster Akak Magur fish has been caught. Which weighs 125 kg! This giant magur fish was found in Manila village of Uttarakhand, India.

দানব এক মাগুর মাছ: ১২৫ কেজি যার ওজন! 1

After catching the huge Magur fish, it was tied with a bamboo rope and taken away. A great festival has started around them among the villagers. The officials of the forest department were shocked to see such pictures. They expressed surprise. He said, where did such a big fish come from?

Recently, a monster size Magur weighing 125 kg was caught in the net of the fishermen there. The villagers said that the huge Magur fish was caught while fishing in the river.

A forest ranger from Uttarakhand's Almora Forest Range said the large Magur fish was found in the Ramganga River near Corbett National Park. The carnivorous fish is about two meters in length. It is almost twice the weight of other Magur species. These fish are called Gunch in the local language. They are usually found in very large ponds or rivers. They come very close to the shore to lay their eggs during the rainy season.

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