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Love left the palace on the sidewalk!

She is the daughter of Kay Peng, one of Malaysia's richest men and the country's business tycoon

The Dhaka Times Desk A Malaysian princess has proved the saying 'premete mojil man, kiba muchi kiba dom' in love. He left the palace in love and came down to the sidewalk!

প্রেমের টানে রাজপ্রাসাদ ছেড়ে ফুটপাতে! 1

The daughter of that rich Malaysian was a princess. She is the daughter of Kay Peng, one of Malaysia's richest men and the country's business tycoon. The princess suddenly left the palace and came down to the sidewalk! It is like descending from heaven to earth. The only reason is love.

Angeline Francis Khoo, the only daughter of Peng, one of Malaysia's richest men, has enjoyed a life of luxury since birth. However, a very ordinary young man gave up those possessions and luxury in an instant. This incident happened recently in the city of Wales, England.

Although born in Malaysia, he moved to England in 2001 to study. In 2008, Khoo met an ordinary young man named Jedidiah Francis during his post-graduate studies at Oxford University. Francis was born in the Caribbean. Francis is a data scientist at Pembroke College. Gradually their relationship deepens. Khoo falls in love with Francis.

Khoo knew very well that Khoo's millionaire father would never approve of this relationship. Despite this, Khoo told his father about their relationship. Khoo's father is very fond of the girl. He did not make it straightforward in this marriage. Two roads were open in front of Khoo. One is to forget Francis and two is to marry him against his father.

But it was not easy for Khoo to go against his father. Because in that case he had to give up all his old habits. He had to give up his luxurious life. In the end, Khoo lost to Prem. No wealth can be compared to the love of Francis, explained Khoo. Leaving the palace, all the possessions, he came out with Francis by the hand.

They also got married recently. The wedding ceremony was held at the Pembroke College campus with a total of 30 people including friends. Khoo ignores the wealth and protection of the millionaire father in the eyes of only love. Khoo's love story has now spread worldwide!

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