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21 years after his death, the film is going to be made with Salman Shah!

Even after 21 years of his death, Salman Shah is still equally engrained in the hearts of the audience

The Dhaka Times Desk 21 years after his death, the film is going to be made with Salman Shah! Efforts are being made to bring back Salman Shah, who is embedded in the hearts of the audience.

মৃত্যুর ২১ বছর পর সালমান শাহকে নিয়ে নির্মিত হতে চলেছে চলচ্চিত্র! 1

Even after 21 years of his death, Salman Shah is still equally engrained in the hearts of the audience. The mystery behind the death of this untimely hero has recently become the focus of much discussion. Due to the video message of a woman named Ruby, various speculations have started across the country. Salman Shah's death suicide or murder investigation has started anew. Salman fans are also currently protesting to reveal the mystery of the death.

The social media Facebook TV talk shows are talking about the mystery of Salman's death. Salman's mother Neela Chowdhury has been saying since the beginning that her son Salman did not commit suicide, he was killed in a planned manner.

When there is a lot of discussion about Salman Shah across the country, it has been announced to make a movie about Salman Shah. It has been reported that Salman Shah's life and work will be highlighted in the upcoming movie. The movie made on Salman Shah is named 'Our Salman Shah'. Ananya Mamun will direct this film.

In this regard, the producer said that if it is not a biographical film, it will bring many events related to Salman's life. Mysterious death, his wife and family, known and unknown aspects of Salman Shah's career will be covered in this movie.

মৃত্যুর ২১ বছর পর সালমান শাহকে নিয়ে নির্মিত হতে চলেছে চলচ্চিত্র! 2

The maker also said that he will find a hero who believes in Salman Shah's ideals and cherishes him in his heart.

Notably, Live Technology and Action Cut Entertainment will jointly produce the movie 'Our Salman Shah'.

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