The Dhaka Times
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5 thousand keys in the lock!

About 5000 keys of the Supreme Court are kept in this huge lock

The Dhaka Times Desk A lock weighs one hundred kilograms! Not only that, there are 5000 keys in this lock! These keys are actually stored inside the lock.

তালার ভেতর ৫ হাজার চাবি! 1

This is really an amazing thing. About 5,000 keys of the Supreme Court are stored in this huge lock, which is called a cupboard. It is claimed from the court that this lock is probably the biggest lock in Bangladesh. This lock weighing 100 kg contains 5000 keys and is maintained 24 hours a day. The important keys of the Supreme Court are distributed from inside this huge locker.

The highest court of the country, starting from the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, the judges' room of the High Court, the bench and the administrative officers, the various branches of the court and all the officers and employees of the court, the keys of the fixed locks are stored inside this lock. Keys are also distributed as needed.

It is known that these keys reserved for all offices of the Supreme Court are exchanged from 7:30 am to 10 pm. After the arrival of people in each room, the door is opened with the key from this lock. At the end of the office work i.e. when the office hours are over, the keys are collected from 4:30 pm to 10 pm.

Engaged in the security of this huge lock. Khokon Kazi told the media that about 4,000 keys were kept inside this lock before this. Now the number of keys has increased to 5 thousand. It has been reported that after building more buildings besides the court, due to the addition of many office rooms, it has increased to 5,000 after installing new locks in those rooms. This huge lock is about 10 feet high and 5 feet wide.

This huge lock is placed on the right side when entering the main building of the Appellate Division and High Court Division from the road along the middle of the Supreme Court. There is always a person guarding this lock. One after the other performs the duties in turn. Apart from Supreme Court Security Guard, members of law and order forces are always sitting in front of this gate to guard this lock with keys 24 hours a day and night. Overall, maximum security is given to this huge lock.

The distribution is regular throughout the day. Again after the end of the office work till 10 o'clock at night these keys are collected and locked together and kept inside this 100 kg weight lock which is about 10 feet high and 5 feet wide.

Russell said, although it looks like a lock, it is actually a big cupboard. Thousands of keys to the court and office rooms of the main old and annex buildings of the Supreme Court are stored inside it. He said, the keys are taken from those who are in charge here at 7:30 in the morning. Again from afternoon to 10 pm the concerned people submitted the keys.

We arrange the keys in rows in this huge lock. Khokon Kazi, who is in full-time supervision, told Jago News that he always tries to keep a cool head so that the keys to certain court rooms can be given correctly. Dilip Kumar Das and Md asked to know the feeling of being engaged in guarding the key by sitting next to this huge lock. Russell said, it doesn't feel bad. Time passed by chatting and collecting keys.

However, they claim, with so many keys, a heavy responsibility is placed on the head. Because every key here is very important. So one has to be very careful about guarding these keys.

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