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The price of a bottle of water is 65 lakh!

The brand name of this water is 'Beverly Hills 9OH2O'.

The Dhaka Times Desk The price of a bottle of water is 65 lakh! Hearing such words, no one may believe. But it is true.

এক বোতল পানির দাম ৬৫ লাখ টাকা! 1

We do not value water. So if something is sold at a low price, it is said to have been sold at the price of water. But this water is a precious commodity once again proved. If it happens that a bottle of water costs 65 lakh taka, then it is natural that our eyes will first come to our foreheads when we hear such a thing.

According to media reports, the price of a bottle of special water of America's Beverly Hills Drink Company is 65 lakh! That water is going to come to the Indian market soon! The brand name of this royally priced water is 'Beverly Hills 9OH2O'. This is a special level of luxury-drink from the Beverly Hills Drink Company.

The question that can come to everyone's mind is what is in this water? Finding the answer, this Beverly Hills 9OH2O diamond edition water bottle was designed by the world's best jeweler. The lid of this drink bottle is gold. It is encrusted with 600 grams of white and 250 black diamonds. There is no doubt that the presence of very expensive crystals in the case in which the bottles are kept will catch everyone's attention. This is the real story of this expensive water bottle.

It is known that the water inside this bottle is collected from the height of 5 thousand feet in the mountains of Southern California. Rich in nutrients and minerals, this water is very healthy.

Jon Gluck, president of the Beverly Hills Drink Company, told the media that this water is silky smooth and very light.

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