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A top official of the United Nations was in favor of killing the Rohingya!

The Dhaka Times Desk When the whole world is talking about protecting the Rohingyas, an official of the world's regulatory body has been accused of being against the Rohingyas. It has been alleged that this top official of the United Nations was in favor of killing the Rohingya!

রোহিঙ্গা নিধনের পক্ষে ছিলেন জাতিসংঘের এক শীর্ষ কর্মকর্তা! 1

When the whole world is worried about the Rohingya crisis. At the same time, the top official of the United Nations in Myanmar, Renata Locke Desalegn, worked for the 'Muslim extermination' in Myanmar's Rakhine state!

Renata Locke Desalegn's role in the Rohingya crisis has been questioned by her former colleagues. Some former UN officials and aid workers say that he even refused to speak about the Rohingya at the UN office. He is also alleged to have obstructed raising the issue of refugee rights with the Myanmar government.

An investigative report of BBC Bengal has been published in this regard. In the report, the role of the UN's top official in Myanmar on the Rohingya crisis has also been questioned by his colleagues. However, the UN office in Myanmar has completely denied the allegations raised in this BBC report.

রোহিঙ্গা নিধনের পক্ষে ছিলেন জাতিসংঘের এক শীর্ষ কর্মকর্তা! 2

Caroline Vandenabili, an aid worker who has worked in Myanmar, said, 'A group of foreign and local businessmen in Myanmar were talking about the Rohingya and Rakhine. I was there. A Burmese said, "If the Rohingyas are like dogs, they should all be killed." When a group is not considered human in a society and is accepted as normal in society, that seems to me to be a sign of the beginning of ethnic cleansing.'

Caroline Vandenabili also stated that she was always instructed to hold meetings when UNOCHA representatives were not in town. He was branded a troublemaker and removed from his post after repeatedly warning of the threat of ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya.

Meanwhile, the United Nations did not object to the events described by Miz Vandenabili. UN officials visiting Myanmar to speak on the Rohingya issue were also banned.

In addition, a UN human rights official named Thomas Quintana said in real experience that he once met Renata Lock Desalien at the Yangon airport. He (Renata) advised me, you should not go to North Rakhine – please don't go there. I then asked why? This question has not been answered. His position was that he did not want to get into any trouble with the Myanmar authorities.

'This is just an incident. However, this shows what the strategy of the UN team in Myanmar was really about the Rohingyas.

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