The Dhaka Times
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Avril formed the 'Avril Fund' to prevent child marriage

May this never happen in the life of any woman in Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk Despite winning the 'Miss World Bangladesh' competition, she was ultimately defeated by Jannatul Naeem Avril. He told the media, lost a lot for one mistake. She has also formed a charity foundation called 'Avril Fund' to prevent child marriage.

বাল্যবিয়ে প্রতিরোধে 'এভ্রিল ফান্ড' গঠন করলেন এভ্রিল 1

Jannatul Naeem Avril. She was forced into early marriage by her family at the age of 16. And because of that she had to lose the crown despite winning the 'Miss World Bangladesh' competition.

The lessons you have learned from your own life, may this never happen in the life of any other woman in Bangladesh. That's why Avril took action. He has also formed a charity foundation named 'Avril Fund' to prevent child marriage. Already created a team for the foundation. This team will work to prevent child marriage across the country. He also said that the remuneration he will get from working in the media will be deposited in the fund.

Jannatul Naeem Avril said, 'I lost a lot today because of that one mistake. I don't want anyone else to have such a bitter experience in their life. This foundation of mine will go from village to village and increase public awareness. I will also take some women volunteers with me. I have decided to donate 75 percent of my income to this foundation. I hope that common people will also be with me.

Jannatul Naeem Avril also said that since childhood, she wanted to do something for street children. Their helplessness really hurts me. There are girls like me who have no identity, who are not given any respect in the society, I want to work for them. I want to be in this job as long as I live.

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