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15,000 scientists warning: Humanity facing catastrophe!

At least 15 thousand scientists from around the world gave this warning through an open letter

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, 15 thousand scientists said that humanity is facing a catastrophe! If action is not taken now, an unimaginable disaster can happen.

১৫ হাজার বিজ্ঞানীর সতর্কবার্তা: মহাবিপদের মুখোমুখি মানবসভ্যতা! 1

According to news media, at least 15 thousand scientists around the world have given this warning through an open letter. The open letter published recently by the Union of Concerned Scientists informed that since the beginning, humans have been damaging the earth's environment in various ways. In this way, the only human civilization has gradually put its own existence in the face of crisis. However, these people are the most threatened at present.

It is known that 15 thousand 364 scientists from 184 countries of the world signed the open letter. The letter also has the signatures of 1,700 scientists over 25 years. Scientists have claimed that humanity is facing a much greater crisis than in 1992. If this crisis is not dealt with now, unimaginable suffering awaits in the coming days.

In the scientific journal 'Bioscience', an American scientist named William Ripple said, 'I have given humanity a second notice... We are jeopardizing our future by not being able to curb the unequal use of natural resources, geographically and demographically. Unbridled population growth has also led to environmental and social threats.

And the governments of different countries, the media and international organizations have been blamed for not taking these issues seriously. This warning should not be underestimated, says scientist William Ripple. He said, people are expected to be more aware due to this open letter of scientists.

In the last 25 years, there have been many changes in the world, which has put humanity in danger. Scientists have highlighted some such changes in their open letter. They are:

In # per capita potable water has decreased by 26 percent worldwide.

# Carbon emissions and temperatures around the world have increased dramatically. Which is harmful to human civilization.

# The amount of 'dead zone' in the oceans increased by 75 percent. No animal can survive in these areas due to pollution and lack of oxygen.

# At least 300 million acres of forest have been destroyed worldwide in the last 25 years.

The population has increased by at least 35 percent since # 1992.

Scientists note that # has resulted in a 29 percent decline in the number of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish overall.

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