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Former Zimbabwean President Mugabe and his wife are immune from prosecution

A deal was signed with Mugabe

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace attend a rally in Marondera, Zimbabwe, June 2, 2017. REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

The Dhaka Times Desk Former Zimbabwean President Mugabe and his wife have been acquitted. That is why the new government will not be able to prosecute them for any crime.

বিচার থেকে দায়মুক্তি জিম্বাবুয়ের সাবেক প্রেসিডেন্ট মুগাবে ও তার স্ত্রী 1

Former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his wife have been acquitted, the country's military said. That is why the new government will not be able to prosecute them for any crime. Colonel Oberson Mugwaisi, the spokesman for the country's defense forces, said last Thursday that an agreement had been signed with Mugabe. It acquitted him and his wife Grace. Along with this, they have been assured of living safely in the country.
After Mugabe's resignation on Tuesday, local media reported that President Mugabe left power in exchange for the opportunity to leave the country. However, his wife Grace will be prosecuted by the country's army. However, the country's talked-about political couple was finally acquitted.

Mugabe came to power after independence. He has been accused of corruption and murder during his 37 years in power. During his time, especially in the eighties, about 20,000 people were killed in the suppression of the opposition. Allegations of various irregularities including corruption were also made against his wife Grace and other family members.

Emmerson Ngangagba took office as the country's new president on Friday. On this day, the new president promised to serve the country and the people of the country in a speech after taking oath in front of about 60,000 supporters at the stadium of the National Sports Association. There he also showed respect and honor to Mugabe. However, the former president was not present at the swearing-in ceremony.

Notably, he was a close ally of Mugabe until his recent sacking. Mugabe was ousted by military intervention after Emmerson was sacked as vice president. Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe as a dictator for 37 years after gaining independence from British colonial rule in 1980. Then the 93-year-old Mugabe planned to put his wife Grace in power as a successor, but his plan was not implemented due to the intervention of the army.

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