The Dhaka Times
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Sensational facts: More than one and a half million children are joining online every day!

On the one hand, children are being helped to develop their intelligence, on the other hand, the corruption of the world is coming under the control of children

The Dhaka Times Desk A sensational piece of information indeed. More than one and a half million children are joining online every day! As it is helping the intellectual development of children on the one hand, on the other hand the corruption of the world is coming under the control of children.

চাঞ্চল্যকর তথ্য: অনলাইনে প্রতিদিন যুক্ত হচ্ছে দেড় লাখেরও বেশি শিশু! 1

After this information came out, the United Nations children's agency UNICEF called on the world's top technology organizations to take more measures to protect children and young Internet users.

The agency said that 170,000 new children are being connected to the Internet every day. This information is given in a BBC report.

As the number of children using the Internet continues to increase, more measures are needed to keep their online identities and data safe.

The BBC report also said that UNICEF is also deeply concerned about the commercialization of children's childhood. The agency advises that when a child opens an account on social media, those sites should be accompanied by the highest privacy settings. Like many countries in the world, the tendency of children and young people to connect online is gradually increasing in Bangladesh.

According to the news, different types of government and private initiatives are heard from time to time in Bangladesh to keep children safe online. At the beginning of this year, a survey conducted on some Asian countries including Bangladesh said that the risk of cyber bullying in these countries is alarming and especially those who play online games have a high risk of being affected by cyber bullying.

The survey was conducted by telecommunication company Telenor in several Asian countries including Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Pakistan and Thailand. The respondents of this survey ranged in age from 18 to 64. However, information about how many younger children in their families are being subjected to cyber bullying has also been obtained from them.

In that survey, 79 percent of the respondents said that their children and children they know have been threatened with physical attacks while playing online games, especially through websites or social media. This happens on specific websites or social media platforms.

Forty-one percent of those surveyed reported that children were victims of offensive comments online, including abusive, racist and sexist comments. Therefore, experts feel that it is necessary to make children's access to the Internet more secure.

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