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Be careful! Online addiction among children and teenagers is increasing

A 'guinea pig generation' of children and teenagers is being born who are increasingly addicted to the Internet

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently there has been a drastic change in the field of communication due to the introduction of online system from house to house in the country. But at the same time especially children are also leaning towards online. In a word, they are getting addicted to this online.

সাবধান! বাড়ছে শিশু-কিশোরদের মধ্যে অনলাইন আসক্তি 1

In recent times, its use has increased due to the open doors of technology in Bangladesh. But a 'guinea pig generation' of children and teenagers is being born who are increasingly addicted to the Internet. This may have a positive side. But the good is more bad than good. But what is alarming is that most of them are getting addicted to pornography by leaving the necessary informative websites. Concerns have been expressed about children's use of websites in various countries around the world. It is seen recently among the children and teenagers of our country.

In our country, mobile internet usage has increased. But it has to be used in a limited way by spending money. But with the introduction of broadband connectivity, it has become more restricted. At present, because of the broadband connection in the capital Dhaka and the divisional cities, the internet can be used unlimitedly. Due to this opportunity in homes, its use has increased among children and teenagers. Due to the use of these broadband connections through Wi-Fi, any child-teenager can use it with just a password. That is why it has an impact in all areas. Because of which many parents feel that it is affecting the results in schools and colleges. Because everything from music is now available online.

সাবধান! বাড়ছে শিশু-কিশোরদের মধ্যে অনলাইন আসক্তি 2

When talking to the parents about this, they said about these fears. A parent said the internet may have made things easier. It is beneficial in all fields from education to business, but in some cases it has a very bad effect. Children are sitting with mobile phones before coming home from school. They cannot be controlled all the time. Again, it is not possible to control whether they are watching music or games or any other idol on the Internet or to sit next to them all the time. In that case, he expressed apprehension that a bad side is falling among children and teenagers. The parent said that the situation is such that it is necessary to close the internet even if your work is ruined! All their business and commerce is now on the Internet. Due to which it is not possible to stop it completely.

Many people have to fall into various problems like this. In keeping with the world of technology, there has been great progress in the internet in our country. But some bad effects have everyone worried. Issues such as unrestricted use of YouTube, use of Facebook and its messengers have made parents think.

A recent survey commissioned by British MPs found that 4 in 5 16-year-olds and 1 in 3 10-year-olds in Britain regularly view pornographic websites. The survey showed that even in Britain's leading private treatment centers, the problem of more than a quarter of adolescents under treatment is addiction to online pornography!

সাবধান! বাড়ছে শিশু-কিশোরদের মধ্যে অনলাইন আসক্তি 3

The study also noted the association of socioeconomic status with this type of addiction, the report noted. Children from middle-class families have been found to be the most addicted to internet pornography in Britain. A British MP said that his school-going son told him that sharing pornographic images via memory sticks between students at their school is now commonplace!

The most frightening thing is that due to the addiction to Internet pornography, normal relationships between teenage boys and girls are no longer present. Along with this, the danger of falling into the clutches of sexual oppressors is also increasing. British Tory MP Claire Perry (Claire Perry, MP) played an important role in conducting this survey on children and teenagers becoming addicted to Internet pornography.

Therefore, many have demanded that Internet service providers remove adult content from websites for family use. An independent (UK) parliamentary inquiry into online child protection says that many young children are accidentally becoming addicted to pornography.

সাবধান! বাড়ছে শিশু-কিশোরদের মধ্যে অনলাইন আসক্তি 4

Currently, 60% of 11 to 16-year-old boys and girls in Britain are using the Internet at home. Whereas 6 years ago only 30 percent got this opportunity. The report also states that 12 percent of young adults share their intimate moments on the Internet or on memory sticks. And when someone breaks up with someone, then those pictures are spread all over the classroom!

Although the above location of Britain is slightly different, the picture is almost the same in Bangladesh. Pornography's easy availability has spread alarmingly from school-going teenagers to mobile phones in the hands of scoundrels. As a result, it affects our social system. Incidents like sexual harassment, oppression, rape and murder are also happening frequently. So these pornographic sites must be stopped now. If not, our next generation will have to suffer the consequences. Then there will be no way of correction before us.

In this regard, our parents have to keep a watchful eye on the rising age boys and girls. When they go where, with whom they mingle. Use of mobile or computer should also be monitored. If not, its harmful effects will be seen not only in Britain but also in our country.

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