The Dhaka Times
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Watch out for videos of unknown numbers on WhatsApp!

You must be careful especially if the video comes in MP4 format

The Dhaka Times Desk In a news report, there is a real risk of mobile hacking of videos from unknown numbers on WhatsApp! Experts have given this information. Many of us use WhatsApp as a secure medium to exchange messages. But WhatsApp also has the risk of information being leaked. Your WhatsApp account can also be hacked from a video coming from an unknown number, from there many of your confidential information can be exposed to hackers.

হোয়াটসঅ্যাপে অজানা নম্বরের ভিডিও থেকে সাবধান! 1

In a news report, there is a real risk of mobile hacking of videos from unknown numbers on WhatsApp! Experts have given this information. Many of us use WhatsApp as a secure medium to exchange messages. But WhatsApp also has the risk of information being leaked. Your WhatsApp account can also be hacked from a video coming from an unknown number, from there many of your confidential information can be exposed to hackers.

According to a report of Indian media Zee News, if a video call comes from an unknown number, especially MP4 format video, then you must be careful. Hackers can grab all the secret information of your mobile phone to trap through MP4 video files.

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) told the media that this incident has happened a lot in India. That's why they are taking precautionary measures, they told the Indian media Zee News.

It should be noted that recently there have been serious allegations against the Israeli spyware manufacturing company 'NSO' group for sending spyware using technology. Which is why technologists have since issued warnings about it. Experts in this regard feel that everyone needs to be careful about this. Otherwise, there may be a big loss to anyone. So experts think that we all need to know about this matter to have time. The reason is that if we all can be careful in this matter, then experts think that it will be possible to protect ourselves from any kind of major damage very easily.

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