The Dhaka Times
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Beware of using smartphones in the dark!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us are in the habit of switching off the house lights before going to sleep. But beware of using smartphones in the dark!


Such a habit can have dire consequences like blindness in anyone's life. Recently, a group of British doctors gave such a warning message.

The team of doctors said that patients who have lost their eyesight by using mobile phones in the dark or are gradually going blind are coming to them almost constantly.

Doctors said that a few days ago, a 27-year-old girl was diagnosed with such a disease. Who made it a habit to check his smartphone in a dark room every day before going to bed. One day, the young woman suddenly lost her vision in her right eye. Usually he used to use the smartphone with his right eye while lying down, so the left eye was hidden by the pillow so there was no damage to that eye!

The medical team said that the number of such patients is constantly increasing. The researchers said, if we are not aware of this now, the rate of blindness may increase proportionally in the future. Because if you use a smartphone lying down in the dark, the light that the device falls on the cornea of the eye is very harmful to the eyesight. So everyone should keep this in mind.

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