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Marine bacteria are wiping out the Titanic!

Titanic's sunken skeleton is munching on marine bacteria

The Dhaka Times Desk No one forgets about Titanic. Because the world's largest water ship sunk in the sea hundreds of years ago. Little has been written about the Titanic. Now it is known, Titanic's skeleton is eating marine bacteria!

সামুদ্রিক ব্যাকটেরিয়া টাইটানিককে নিশ্চিহ্ন করে দিচ্ছে! 1

A long love novel, which the world has been raving about for ages, is gradually disappearing into the depths of the ocean. Much like the Arabic novel! Now it is known that the sunken skeleton of the Titanic is being eaten by marine bacteria. Researchers have said that the Titanic will be completely destroyed within two centuries.

With 2224 passengers, one of the best luxury ships in the world is moving forward through the chest of the blue sea. But no one thought that journey would be the last journey! A terrible accident happened. The ship's deck leaked after hitting the top of the iceberg. Slowly Salil Samadhi is the Titanic. The skeleton of the Titanic still sleeps under the deep blue cold waters of the Atlantic.

Scientists have said, not too long, maybe twenty years to wait. Then the Titanic, sleeping under the sea, will be completely lost. Lack of sufficient light, the iron sheets are corroding under the intense pressure under the water. The Titanic is gradually decaying due to rust caused by bacteria that have formed under the water.

Scientists first noticed this bacteria in 2010. Dalhousie University scientists first noticed the matter. A bacterium called Halomonas titanae is eating away at Titanic. These bacteria can survive for years even under the severe pressure of poor black water.

সামুদ্রিক ব্যাকটেরিয়া টাইটানিককে নিশ্চিহ্ন করে দিচ্ছে! 2

Not today is more than a hundred times. In that year 1912, Titanic started its journey from England with 2224 passengers. At that time, no one could imagine what fate awaits the most luxurious ship in the world. Titanic sank after colliding with a huge iceberg. There are many dreams sleeping under the deep sea. Love, love has a lot of history. But how long will it last? Marine bacteria nested on Titanic's skeleton. A marine cockroach bacteria has begun to destroy all sleeping dreams. Maybe one day everything will end. Then there will be nothing left. The famous Titanic may one day remain only in the pages of history.

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