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How to keep your mind fresh and good all the time

If the mind is upset, even the simplest things seem difficult

The Dhaka Times Desk The human mind is a very strange thing. on which all activities depend. There is a saying, 'The mind is good, everything is good.' When a man's mind is good, he can solve difficult problems easily.

If the mind is upset, even simple things seem difficult. Every task feels uncomfortable. If the mind is good, our brain can work very fast. This increases our work speed and makes it easier to achieve success.

Now the question is how to keep the mind always good?

In order to keep our mind healthy, we first need to find out which activities help us to keep our mind healthy and which activities have an adverse effect on our mind.

the mindgood There are some simple ways to keep. For example:

1. Take everything easy on yourself. Try to convince your brain that it doesn't matter to you. Then you can solve many difficult issues easily.

2. Always try to keep a smile on your face. If you have a smile on your face or if you smile while talking to someone, you feel better. But yes, you can tell if you are upset, how to smile? Remember, try to talk with a smile at that time, you will see that you will feel better very soon.

3. When starting a task, never think that it cannot be done by you. Then your mind will be adversely affected. Then you will not be able to complete that task easily. To give an example, a 6-year-old child pulled his 10-year-old friend out of a pond. Many did not believe it. But one believed the boy. He said, “It is not difficult. Although it seems difficult to our eyes but at that time the little boy never thought that it is not possible for him. So he was able to do this difficult task easily.

4. Try to help someone whenever you get a chance. There is a different kind of peace in helping others. Which will help keep your mind always good.

5. Always think positive things. Positive thinking will always keep you well.

6. Be content with what you have. Get rid of the thought that others have it and you don't have it.

7. Try to pray 5 times a day. Notice that your brain will be very fresh after every prayer. So your mind will be good.

8. Go for a day or two a week with family or friends. Then your mind will be fresh throughout the week.

Hope from today you try to follow the above rules to keep your mind always fresh and good.

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